Tuesday, 28 May 2013

The Big Smoker

Hi everyone. So, with only one Bank Holiday left to go this summer, what better way to cheer ourselves up then with a new design?!

This guy is based on a small sketch I did years ago of a big, fat guy on a couch smoking a cigar (I've added the original below). I always liked the original drawing but didn't really know what to do with it until now. So I jumped into Photoshop last week and started to build it up a bit more. I'm keen to push this guy a bit further in the coming weeks and develop a bit of a back story for him - in my mind I'd love to work it so it looks like one of those grand family portraits with a big, gold frame. (Hopefully by the time I post that, this rain might have stopped.)
 Original sketch of The Big Smoker, from 2008

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Craig! I just wanted to thank you again for letting me use this wonderful image on my blog post! I am in awe of people like you with your talent to create amazing pictures. The detail in this illustration that impresses me the most is the cigar smoke. It looks so utterly real I can almost smell it! (*cough* *cough*). Wonderful job! It's been a delight to see your art and to "meet" you!
